The Landing Pages page now only displays Short Links. Though the longer links still work and display within the settings of the landing page, those links do not route as secure links and could lead to security warnings within the browser of a volunteer depending on their browser and security settings.
Because of this, it is preferred to supply volunteers with the more secure Short Link. These links initially auto-generate when creating a landing page, but can be modified. A Short Link must be wholly unique across all VolunteerHub sites. For example, below is the Short Link: No other VolunteerHub site may use 'ABCChurch' as a Short Link. A best practice would be to input short links with an abbreviation of your organization's name followed by the name of the external group (or use case of the landing page if tied to an Event Group).
Again, all longer links already provided to volunteers will continue to work.
Bug Fixes:
Map View Pins
The issue causing the pins within Map View for Volunteers to not be clickable has been fixed.
Site Wide Waiver and User Form Edits
Having a 'Site Wide Waiver' set had previously prevented new User Form questions from being created. This has been fixed.
Waitlist Processing
The issues with the automated process of removing users from the waitlist should a slot open up have been resolved.
Event Edits Performance Increase
The system will respond more quickly when editing the slot limit of events.
Intermittent Kiosk Errors
Some users were experiencing errors when checking in via the Kiosk; this issue has been identified and resolved.
Two Character Limit for 'State' on Address Questions
Previously the system would allow a volunteer to type the full name of their State (e.g. New York) into the 'State' box when entering their address, but would display an error as it would only accept the abbreviation (NY). That box is now limited to two characters to better signal the correct convention to volunteers.
Performance Increase When Sending Manual Emails
There had been an issue causing a timeout when sending very large quantities of manually sent emails through VolunteerHub. This issue has been resolved.
Matthew Murphy
Change to Landing Page URLs

The Landing Pages page now only displays Short Links. Though the longer links still work and display within the settings of the landing page, those links do not route as secure links and could lead to security warnings within the browser of a volunteer depending on their browser and security settings.
Because of this, it is preferred to supply volunteers with the more secure Short Link. These links initially auto-generate when creating a landing page, but can be modified. A Short Link must be wholly unique across all VolunteerHub sites. For example, below is the Short Link: No other VolunteerHub site may use 'ABCChurch' as a Short Link. A best practice would be to input short links with an abbreviation of your organization's name followed by the name of the external group (or use case of the landing page if tied to an Event Group).
Again, all longer links already provided to volunteers will continue to work.
Bug Fixes:
Map View Pins
The issue causing the pins within Map View for Volunteers to not be clickable has been fixed.
Site Wide Waiver and User Form Edits
Having a 'Site Wide Waiver' set had previously prevented new User Form questions from being created. This has been fixed.
Waitlist Processing
The issues with the automated process of removing users from the waitlist should a slot open up have been resolved.
Event Edits Performance Increase
The system will respond more quickly when editing the slot limit of events.
Intermittent Kiosk Errors
Some users were experiencing errors when checking in via the Kiosk; this issue has been identified and resolved.
Two Character Limit for 'State' on Address Questions
Previously the system would allow a volunteer to type the full name of their State (e.g. New York) into the 'State' box when entering their address, but would display an error as it would only accept the abbreviation (NY). That box is now limited to two characters to better signal the correct convention to volunteers.
Performance Increase When Sending Manual Emails
There had been an issue causing a timeout when sending very large quantities of manually sent emails through VolunteerHub. This issue has been resolved.
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