Welcome to SkyManager!

As an administrator, you will be responsible for configuring and managing the system in its entirety. This Administration guide covers everything you need to know to set up your site and start using it.

If at any time you need assistance with your site and cannot find the answers in our Knowledgebase, please Submit a Ticket to our Support Team.

This guide will walk you through the following administration topics:

  1. Navigating the Home Page
  2. Customizing Your Site
  3. Managing User Tags
  4. Setting Up Charge Types
  5. Managing Aircraft
  6. Adding Instructors
  7. Configuring Member Proficiencies
  8. Processing Point-of-Sale Items
  9. Managing User Accounts

Once the system has been configured, please continue to the Operations guide, which will walk you through daily use of the system, such as scheduling flights and maintenance and running reports.

After logging in for the first time, you will see the Home Page of your SkyManager site (Figure 1). This page contains four main areas: 1) Navigation Bar, 2) User Panel, 3) Message Area and 4) Control Panel. Each of these sections is described below.

Figure 1. Home Page of SkyManager

Navigation Bar

The Navigation Bar (Figure 2) contains links to the most commonly accessed areas in your site.

  • Online Schedule: This links to your online flight schedule, which displays your daily, weekly or monthly schedule of all aircraft and staff. 
  • Roster: This section is used to view, add and edit members of your organization and their statuses. 
  • Account Statement: This links to the account balance and statement of the user currently logged into the system and resembles an online register for tracking charges and credits. 
  • Flight Log: This section is used to view, add and edit flight logs electronically.   
  • Lesson Log: This section is used to view, add and edit lesson logs if your organization has a flight syllabus built into SkyManager. 
  • Workflow: This section is used to view workflow items requiring attention from specific members of your organization.

When on any other page in your site, a “Home” link will be displayed on the right side of the Navigation Bar to return you to the site’s Home Page.

Figure 2. Navigation Bar on the Home Page

User Panel

The User Panel (Figure 3) is divided into two sections:

  • Member Information: This section contains a greeting, followed by the username of the person logged in. In addition, this section provides links to change personal data and view flight records as well as alerts regarding upcoming dues or proficiency expirations.
  • Account Balance: This section contains your current account balance if your organization uses SkyManager for accounting purposes or if you synchronize records with QuickBooks™.

Figure 3. User Panel on the Home Page

Message Area

The Message Area (Figure 4) is a large white space in the center of your site that can be used as a digital bulletin board and customized based on your organizations’ desired content. Most commonly found here are NOTAMs, METAR data, Active Reservations, Aviation News from AvWeb, Announcements, and Updates. We will discuss how to edit the information displayed in this area in the next section of this guide, Customizing Your Site.

Figure 4. Message Area on the Home Page

Control Panel

The Control Panel (Figure 5) contains links to various administrative areas of the site, each of which are controlled via security permissions applied to the Tags on a user’s account.

Tags are discussed in detail in the Managing User Tags section of this guide. While most options in the Control Panel are restricted by default, any user can use the “Report Discrepancy” feature unless otherwise indicated through custom securities applied to a Tag.

Figure 5. Control Panel on the Home Page


(Continue to Part 2: Customizing Your Home Page)