This section covers how to customize the look and feel of your site and post articles on the Home Page.

  1. Navigating the Home Page
  2. Customizing Your Site
  3. Managing User Tags
  4. Setting Up Charge Types
  5. Managing Aircraft
  6. Adding Instructors
  7. Configuring Member Proficiencies
  8. Processing Point-of-Sale Items
  9. Managing User Accounts

The colors, images and content of your site can be configured, allowing your organization to make SkyManager look and feel more like your own organization's product.

This section discusses how to customize:

Look and Feel

To edit what your site looks like to users, click the Look and Feel link under the System Configuration section of the Control Panel on the right side of the Home Page (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Go to System Configuration to edit the site’s look and feel.

You will now see the Look and Feel page (Figure 2).

Figure 2. You can edit the Look and Feel of your site.

This page contains the following options:


Browse your computer for a banner image for the top of your SkyManager site. The banner image can be your organization’s logo, name or other graphic and must meet the requirements listed on the page. After selecting the image on your computer, click Upload Banner.

Login Graphic

Browse your computer for a log-in graphic, which will be displayed on the left side of your site’s log-in page just above the User Panel. The graphic must meet the requirements listed on the page. After selecting the image on your computer, click Upload Login Graphic.


You can edit three colors in your site:

  • The Primary Color controls the color of the left panel behind your User Panel.
  • The Secondary Color controls the color of the headings in the Control Panel.
  • The Accent Color controls the color of the hyperlinks throughout the site.

Enter a color code (hex value) if you have it, or click on the patch of color to bring up the Color Selector (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Use the Color Selector to change the site’s color scheme options.

To use the Color Selector, first select a hue by clicking in the middle hue bar ("A" in Figure 3) and dragging your cursor up or down to the desired hue. Next, choose the saturation and brightness of the color by clicking anywhere in the left color area ("B" in Figure 3) and dragging your cursor to the desired color. When finished, click anywhere outside the Color Selector to save your changes. Alternatively, you can enter RGB or HSB values in the fields provided on the right side of the Color Selector.

When finished, click Save Colors.

Login Content

The text or graphics you enter/paste into this field will be shown in the large, white area of the log-in page of your site. This can include a welcome message, contact information, instructions, etc. After entering your log-in content, click Save Login Content.

Postings and Articles

SkyManager lets you post various types of articles on the main page, such as blog-type articles, photos, brags, reminders, announcements, custom NOTAMs, etc.


To add an article under the Articles section of the Control Panel, click the Edit Articles link under Administrative Tools in the Control Panel. This opens a page with all active articles in the site (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Add articles to the Home Page and customize where they appear.

To add an article to your site, click the Add article… link on the bottom-left side of the page. In the window that appears, enter the date/time at which you’d like the article to appear, the type of article you’re posting, the date/time at which you want the article to no longer be active (visible) in your site, a headline (title), a short description to appear below the headline on the Home Page and a long description (the main body of the article). Finally, select where you want the article to appear and click Save Posting.


You can also edit the postings appearing in the main Message Area of the site by clicking the Edit Postings link under Administrative Tools in the Control Panel. This opens a page with all active articles in the site (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Add postings such as NOTAMs and announcements to the Message Area.

To add a posting, click the Add link under the desired section. You will have most of the same options as when creating an article (discussed above). You can also email all administrators and/or pilots in the system with positive and/or negative balances on their accounts at once by clicking the Send Mass Email link at the top of the page.



(Continue to Part 3: Managing User Tags)
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