This section covers how to create and configure tags to provide varied access to your site.
Access to your SkyManager site and various areas within the site are governed by the assigning of user tags. A tag is simply a label assigned to a user in order to grant certain permissions based on that user's role in the site. For example, a user with a “Student” tag most likely would not be given access to financial reports. Tags can be assigned to a user within the site, and any number of permissions can be applied to each tag.
Tags only determine access to various areas within the site and do not designate the role a person fulfills. For example, you may create a “Flight Instructor” tag in order to give flight instructors access to special reports, but SkyManager will not know that a user tagged with “Flight Instructor” is an Instructor in the system - instructors must still be added per the instructions in section 6 of this guide. The tag only gives permissions that a “Flight Instructor” should have.
You will be able to create as many tags as you like, but we recommend that your organization think carefully before creating tags, as many specific situations may apply and be different for each type of organization. For instance, some common tags may include Administrator, Dispatcher, Maintenance, Director, Student Pilot, Club Pilot, etc., but your organization may also need more specific tags to separate groups of individuals further, such as Student 2013-2017, FAA-FSDO, Business Office, Member Dues, etc. Having tags for specific groups of individuals can help guarantee that an individual does not have more access than he or she needs. In addition, the permissions you apply to a tag are entirely up to your organization's needs, but for safety purposes, any tagged user should be able to report a maintenance descrepancy.
This article discusses the following topics:
Creating New Tags
From the Home Page, click on System Configuration under the Administrative Tools section in the Control Panel (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Tags can be configured under System Configuration.
On the following page, click the Tags link at the bottom of the list of configuration options. By default, you will already have the "Administrator" and "Pilot" tags. To create a new tag, click on the Add Tag link in the top-left side of the page (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Add a tag by clicking the Add Tag link.
Next, give the tag a name, description and other desired details. If you want rostered members with this tag to know their balances, enter an amount into the Low Balance Threshold field along with a Low Balance Warning amount. If members with this tag should be allowed to schedule aircraft, you must also select an option from the Default Reservation Priority field. Otherwise, tagged users will not be able to schedule themselves. Finally, if the user tag will have monthly dues associated with it, select a charge type from the Monthly Dues Charge drop-down menu (the next section of this guide will cover how to create charge types).
When finished, click the Save Tag button at the bottom of the page.

Figure 3. Enter details for the new tag.
Your new tag should now appear in the list of available tags. To edit the basic properties of your existing tags, click on the name of the desired tag, then click Edit Tag in the upper-left corner of the page.
Configuring Tags
After creating a tag, you will need to configure any associated permissions, priorities and time slot settings. Whenever you assign a tag to a user, that user will inherit the configurations set for the tag.
To apply custom permissions to your new tag, click on the name of the tag in the list of available tags, then click Edit Permissions on the left side of the page (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Add permissions for any user with the selected tag.
A list of available permissions will appear, separated into sections based on area of access. Check each permission you'd like users with the selected tag to have. For example, if you want users with this tag to have the ability to edit any reservation in the schedule, check the box beside the "Edit Reservations (for Everybody)" option in the Scheduling section. When finished, click the Save Tag Permissions button at the bottom of the page.
To add applicable reservation priorities for users associated with a tag, click on the name of the tag in the list of available tags, then click Edit Priorities on the left side of the page (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Edit available reservation priorities for users with the selected tag.
You will now see a list of available Reservation Priorities that may be applied to your tag (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Select the reservation priorities you want users with the selected tag to have access to.
Check the box beside each priority you want users with the selected tag to have access to, then click the Save Tag Priorites button.
Time Slots
Time Slots control the range of times during which users with a particular tag are able to schedule. For example, Head Dispatchers generally have control of the schedule at any hour, but a student or public rental may be limited to certain hours of the day (e.g., between 8:00am and 1:00pm).
To edit the scheduling time slot(s) available to users associated with a tag, click on the name of the tag in the list of available tags, then click Edit Time Slots on the left side of the page (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Edit available time slots for users with the selected tag.
To restrict the time slot(s) available for the tag, select a start and end time (Figure 8). After selecting both, a new line will appear below the selected time range where you can add another time range. When finished, click the Save Time Slots button.

Figure 8. Restrict scheduling times for users with the selected tag by entering a time range.
Applying Tags to Users
Once you have created your user tags, you will be able to apply them to any member of your organization either manually or automatically for all new users. Keep in mind that users may be assigned more than one tag at a time to grant them various levels of access to the site.
To apply a tag automatically to any newly approved member account, edit the tag and check the Automatically apply this tag to new member accounts box at the bottom of the Edit page (or apply this option when creating a new tag).
To apply a tag manually to a specific user, click on Bulk Operations under the Administrative Tools section of Control panel, then click the Tag membership link on the following page (Figure 9).

Figure 9. Apply user tags to members in bulk or one-at-a-time.
The Tag Membership page allows you to select either a tag or a member. Select a tag from the Tags field to apply that same tag to one or more users at the same time, OR select a user from the Members field to apply one or more tags to the selected individual (Figure 10).

Figure 10. You can apply multiple tags at once to a user.
When finished, click the Save Tag Membership button.
(Continue to Part 4: Setting Up Charge Types)
(Back to Part 2: Customizing Your Site)