This section covers how to import, create, approve and reactivate/deactivate member accounts in the site.
Once created, new user accounts must be approved in order for the users to gain access to the site. This article covers the following topics:
- Importing Accounts
- Creating a User Account Manually
- Approving New Accounts
- Reactivating/Deactivating Accounts
Note that users of the older system SkyScheduler will not have access to these options and will control member status via the Member Status field in the Contact Information page of the user's roster account.
Importing Accounts
SkyManager allows you to import members directly into the system via CSV file. When imported, these users will automatically be approved/activated.
First, you will need to create your CSV file with the proper column headers. These column headers (listed below) will match up with the fields when creating a user's profile. Be sure the column headers are spelled exactly as they are below. Any column headers you do not need may simply be omitted from the file.
Username (required) |
Password |
Identifier |
FirstName |
LastName |
Address1 |
Address2 |
City |
State |
PostalCode |
HomePhone |
WorkPhone |
CellularPhone |
Pager |
Url |
DateOfBirth |
EmergencyContact |
Comment |
ProficiencyComment |
QBCustomerRefFullName |
InstructorUsername (contains the username of the member's instructor) |
Tags (contains a list of tags to which the member belongs, separated by semicolons) |
Courses (contains a list of course abbreviations to which the member is enrolled, separated by semicolons) |
Once you've built and saved your CSV file, import it into SkyManager by clicking Bulk Operations in the Control Panel on the right side of the Home Page (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Members can be imported in bulk.
Then, click on Import Members. You will see the Import Members page (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Import members directly into the system from a CSV file.
Next, click Browse to browse your computer for and select the CSV file you created. You may also choose to update or ignore existing members with the usernames defined in the import file, since usernames are always unique to a single user account, as well as choose whether or not to import blank values into the users' profiles. After making your selections, click the Import Members button to import the users in your CSV file.
Creating a User Account Manually
You can always create a user account for someone manually if they are unable to do it on their own. To do so, click Roster in the Navigation Bar at the top of the Home Page (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Users can be created manually from the Roster area.
Under the Add New Member section of the Roster page (in the bottom-left corner of the page), click the Go... link. This will provide you with an empty user profile, where you can enter that user's details including username, name, password, address, etc. When finished, click Save Member at the bottom of the page. Once saved, the user's account will be approved/activated automatically and will now appear in your roster.
Approving New Accounts
When an individual creates their own account in your site, they will not yet have access to use your site until you approve their account.
Instructions for users to create their own accounts are provided in section 1 of the Operations manual.
To approve a new member account, first click on Bulk Operations on the Home Page (Figure 1). Next, click the Approve new members link at the bottom of the list of options. You will see a list of unapproved users who have recently created a new account (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Approve new members to give them access to the site.
Check the box to the left of each user you'd like to approve, then click the Approve selected members button at the bottom of the page. These users will now appear in your roster of users.
We strongly recommend creating a tag for immediate assignment when activating new users to ensure they have access only to the areas you intend. Application of user tags is discussed in section 3 of this guide.
Reactivating/Deactivating Accounts
You can reactivate previously deactivated member accounts as well as deactivate accounts at any time to allow or stop users from logging into the system. You may need to do this for a variety of reasons, including non-payment enforcement, allowing students to use the system only when in school, or withdrawal from the school, program and/or organization.
We strongly recommend reviewing the tags associated with a user before reactivating his or her account.
From the Home Page, click Bulk Operations under the Administrative Tools section of the Control Panel (Figure 1). Then, click on Activate/Deactivate members.
The Activate Members option differs from the “Approve new members” option, as it only works for previously approved members.
By default, you will be shown a list of active users that you can deactivate (Figure 5). To deactivate a member, simply check the box to the left of the user's name and click the Deactivate selected members button at the bottom of the page. The member will lose access to the system, but all data for the account will remain intact.

Figure 5. Deactivate or reactivate members to deny or grant access to the system.
To re-activate a previously deactivated member, select “Activate members” from the Members drop-down menu on the left side of the screen. Then, check the boxes beside any users you'd like to reactivate and click the Activate selected members button to reactivate them.
This concludes our guide on Administration in SkyManager. Click the Next button below to proceed to our Operations manual for the general use of the system.
(Continue to Operations Part 1: Managing Your Account)
(Back to Part 8. Processing Point-of-Sale Items)