Welcome to SkyManager!
This User Operations guide covers everything you need to know to use the system on a regular basis, from creating and updating your account to scheduling/dispatching flights and running reports.
This guide will walk you through the following administration topics:
This article covers the following topics:
- Creating Your Account
- Updating Your Account
- Updating Your Proficiencies
- Understanding the Account Statement
Creating Your Account
First, you will need to access your organization's site for the first time (your site’s web address will be OrgName.skymanager.com, such as "aviationacademy.skymanager.com"). You will then see the log-in page (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Log in or create an account to begin.
Now you can either log in if you already have an account or, to create a new account, click the Create New Account button. Next, you will need to complete your profile by creating a username and password and providing basic information such as your name, address, email address and so on (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Build your profile.
Be sure to choose a username that your organization will recognize (e.g., "johnsmith” rather than “JohnnyFlyer123”). Your organization may also want your legal name for FAA requirements. Note that the username and password fields are case-sensitive. In addition, if you want SkyManager to update you with schedule changes and other notifications, be sure to provide an email address.
Once you complete the form, click the Complete Registration button. You may then notify your organization's system administrator to request that they activate your account. You will receive a confirmation email at the email address you provided.
Updating Your Account
Once your account has been approved by an administrator, return to your organization's SkyManager site and enter your username and password in the log-in area to log in. You may want to update your account now. To do so, click on the first Go... link in the Member Information area of the user panel on the left side of the Home Page (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Update your account.
The profile page will appear, allowing you to update the details you entered when creating your account.
Updating Your Proficiencies
If your system administrator has given you access to update your own flight proficiencies, you can do so by clicking the second Go... link in the Member Information area of the user panel on the left side of the Home Page (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Update your flight proficiencies.
Any proficiencies you have access to update will be listed with editable fields (Figure 5). Update the details of your flight proficiencies and click Save Proficiencies when finished.

Figure 5. Update your proficiency details.
Understanding the Account Statement
SkyManager features an Accounting System that can track deposits and charges like rentals, fuel, and point-of-sale items items like sectional charts. To view your purchase history and deposit record, click on the Account Statement link in the Navigation Bar at the top of the Home Page (Figure 6).
Note that if your organization is using QuickBooks™ or has a separate Business Office, you Account Statement may take additional time to update.

Figure 6. You can view an Account Statement from the Home Page.
Your Account Statement will show each line item by date with entry descriptions, quantities, prices and total balance (Figure 7).

Figure 7. View your Account Statement in SkyManager.
If your administrator has given you access to edit your own invoice, links to “edit” and “add” invoices/charges will appear on the left side of the statement.
SkyManager uses a basic accounting standard in the “Total” column, which may be equated to the invoice/item “price.” Negative numbers shown in (red) are credits to the user's account, while items in black are charges to the user's account.
Notice the first line for "Monthly Dues" in the screenshot above contains a negative amount of $50.00 to be charged to the user. Below it, a “Deposit, Cash” of $50.00 was made and entered into the system by an administrator, shown in the “Total” column. The statement total shows "-" meaning that the account is zeroed out and no money is owed.
Now let's look at a flight entry (Figure 8).

Figure 8. Account balances will reflect billed flight reservations.
In the above screenshot, pilot/instructor Bob Jones's flight with plane rental PA-44 is shown, along with the purchase of a Sectional chart. Each charge is a separate line item, with the amounts being tallied to the right. The final total of all items appears on the bottom line with the date, time and total charge, $328.69. Therefore, the final balance is -$638.69.
If you have the ability to add a payment, you can do so from the Account Statement page. Click the add link next to the entry date as seen in the above screenshot. You will then be able to add a payment type (cash, check or credit card) and amount of payment in the resulting pop-up window.
To print a receipt from the Account Statement, simply click the print link beside any summarized invoice. This will open a receipt formatted for a generic receipt printer, though any printer will work.
(Continue to Part 2: Managing the Schedule)