This section covers how to complete and view an electronic flight log in SkyManager.
SkyManager features a digital flight log that very closely resembles a traditional paper log. Because SkyManager data is secure and is always backed up, we enourage its use. Additionally, if your organization allows your FSDO to do remote digital audits, the flight log will be required. In addition, users can print/export a portion or all of the log at any time.
From the Home Page, click on the Flight Log option in the Navigation Bar at the top of the page (Figure 1).

Figure 1. You can complete a flight log electronically in SkyManager.
The flight log will appear, looking just like the paper version (Figure 2).

Figure 2. The electronic flight log in SkyManager closely resembles the paper version.
You can filter the date range for which data appears in the flight log using the Date range function at the bottom of the page. Generally, you will complete flight logs when checking in a flight. At any time, however, you can manually add a flight to the log by clicking on the add link in the far upper-left corner of the flight log, as highlighted in Figure 2 above. This will open the New Flight Log window (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Add a new flight to the log.
Enter your flight data and, when finished, click the Save Entry button. You will now see your first populated flight entry in the log (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Saved entries will appear in the log.
If you have sufficient permissions, you will be able to click the edit link beside the flight log entry to edit or remove the flight log entry.
To print your flight log or save an electronic copy to your computer, you will need to run the Flight Log report in the Report Gallery, found under “Administrative Tools” on the Home Page. You may or may not have permission to use this feature. If you do, click on Flight Log Report option, select the date range you want to print/export for and click Create Report. The report will appear on the page (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Print your flight log from the Report Gallery.
To print the report, click the blue floppy-disk symbol and choose the desired export format. Once exported, you will be able to print or save the report.
Note that the flight log is editable by students, so it should not be used to log billing or other types of information that normally shouldn't be editable.
(Back to Part 3. Reporting Maintenance Discrepancies)