There are several ways to prompt your volunteers to accept a waiver each year, depending on how your VolunteerHub plan and how waivers are set up.


Via Advanced Waivers

Waivers Attached to Events

If using the Advanced Waivers to collect electronic signatures on your waivers, you can choose to prompt users to accept either the same waiver or a new waiver each year. Follow the instructions below for the situation that applies to you. You can find a record of each time a user accepts a waiver in the Waivers tab of the user's profile.

I want users to accept the same waiver once every year.

When creating your waiver, choose the "Users must sign this waiver every certain number of days" option from the Expiration field and enter "365" in the provided field. This will automatically prompt the user to accept the waiver the first time they create an account and sign up for an event, then automatically prompt them to accept the same waiver again one year later and onward on an annual basis as they sign up for events.

I want users to accept the same waiver on the same day every year.

When creating your waiver, choose the "Users must sign this waiver each year as of a certain date" option from the Expiration field and enter the month and day as of which you would like them to accept the waiver each year. This will automatically prompt the user to accept the same waiver on the same day each year as they sign up for events.

I want to replace my waiver with a new version at the beginning of each year.

When creating your waiver, choose the "Users must sign this waiver one time only" option from the Expiration field and attach that waiver only to events occurring in the current year (e.g., if you have a 2019 waiver, only attach it to events with Start Dates in 2019). You would need to create a new version of the waiver each year and attach it to all events occurring the following year. This will automatically prompt the user to accept the new waiver once they sign up for any event occurring the next year.

If using recurrence templates, simply attach the new version of the waiver to the templates once you're ready for volunteers to begin accepting the new waiver. Keep in mind that this change will be applied to all future instances of the template, so do not make this change until you are ready for volunteers to accept the newest version. Alternatively, to plan further in advance, you can create copies of your templates each year to attach a new waiver each year, creating instances of each template for January through December.

Site-Wide Waivers

To require a site-wide Waiver be accepted yearly, follow the steps above for adding the waiver and setting the proper expiration.  Once the waiver is in place to designate a Site-Wide Waiver, navigate to
Settings > Site Settings > Waiver Settings

Note: Your site must have either a required Date of Birth question or 'Is Adult' question within the All Users User Form.

Two adult and two minor waivers may be set site-wide

Site-wide waivers display as a pop-up when a volunteer signs in and must be accepted in order to browse and register for any events.

If a site-wide waiver is added to an existing site, any user who had not previously satisfied that waiver is required to on their next sign in or check-in for an event. If an existing volunteer had already signed that waiver via an event, and it has not expired, they are not required to sign it again unless it expires.

If there is a Minor site-wide waiver in place, minors can't register for (or check into) any events until the Waiver has been recorded, either by an admin or a parent.

Via the User Form

If you do not have Advanced Waivers and have instead created a general waiver in your User Form, your options will be a little more limited. Whether you're having the user accept the same waiver as of a specific day each year or you're having them accept a new waiver each year, you will follow the same process.

Step 1.

At the end of each year, create a new waiver question in your User Form. 

  • If users will accept the same waiver each year, simply copy and paste all the same information from your previous question.
  • If users will accept a new version of the waiver, change the question Prompt and/or Subprompt to reference your new waiver text.

Step 2.

Make sure the Require a response to this question option is selected and that there's no default selection, then click Save. By creating a new required waiver question, your users will automatically be prompted to accept your waiver the next time they attempt to sign up for an event.

Step 3.

Return to your User Form and Edit your previous waiver question.

Step 4.

Choose NO as the Require a response to this question option and select the "Only administrators" option in both the Visibility and Editability fields, then click Save

This step is important if you would like to maintain a history of users' acceptance of the waiver. This will make it so that only administrators in the system are able to view the previous waiver's response. If you do not intend to keep a record of the previous years' accepted waivers, simply delete the previous year's waiver question and replace it with the new one.