How to tell if you have access:
- Sign in to your VolunteerHub site (this is the same URL that volunteers use) and click "Admin" at the top to access the administrative side of your site.
NOTE: If you need assistance with your sign in, please contact
- Click your name at the top right.
- If 'Billing' appears as an option from the menu you do have access and can proceed to the Billing page.
- If 'Billing' does not appear you do not have access.
How do I get access?
- Connect with someone in your organization who already has access and can grant permission to a user.
NOTE: If you are unsure who in your organization has proper authorization to approve a new superuser please contact for more assistance.
- Have the authorized user add you to the "Superusers" (administrators) User Group. Additional steps for this can be found in the corresponding article:
How do I add or remove an administrator (Superuser) in my site?